Beyond Crazy
Personalised health and well-being for the busy woman
struggling with stress and health issues

Do you feel …

  • Like a stranger in your own body and are saying “what the heck!”?
  • Constantly anxious and stressed?
  • Exhausted all the time?
  • Unwanted pounds creeping on?
  • You are constantly struggling with health issues?


Hello, I’m Pam your health and transformation genie. I know what this is like, I’ve been there and discovered this does not have to be our future.  I’m here to support you to reclaim and revitalise your body, mind and life with simple practices you can do anywhere, don’t require lots of time or expense.

Midlife Rejuvenation Blueprint

The successful woman’s guide to drop the weight, look great and have the energy to take on the world.

Time to move on from Crazy

Time to stop struggling with menopause and stress symptoms. Take action today and book a FREE 20 minutes chat and let’s get you started in rejuvenating your health and your life.

Imagine you wake up every day brimming with health, energy and filled with motivation, purpose and a passion for life.

What would your life look like?

But right now things are not so rosy and you know something needs to change.  What is it you want? 

To say good night to a poor nights sleep and good morning to waking refreshed and excited to face the day.
To discover the right foods for you and your body, to reach your ideal weight and maintain it.
To say goodbye to stress and anxiety and hello to calm and balance even in the midst of a storm.
To jump into enough energy and vitality to work and still have some left at the end of the day for you and your family to enjoy.
To give your body and your life what it requires to look good, feel good and heal so you have joy, happiness and fulfilment.
To let go of brain fog and rediscover claity, focus, productivity and creativity as you get into flow.

Can you afford to constantly ignore the signs that all is not well?
Menopausal symptoms are a sign things in your body and life are out of balance and if you don’t address them things are likely to get worse. 

Without your health and vitality every aspect of your life:-family, relationships, business, earning potential all suffer!

If you change nothing how will your life, health and wellbeing look in a years time?
If you don’t act now at best things will still be the same, but most likely you will be on the slippery slope to disease and long term health issues.  Is this what you want?

You know you deserve more, right?

It’s time to turn off unhelpful, unhealthy habits and REIGNITE your vitality, health, motivation and focus!

You are unique and every part of you and your life is interconnected. Therefore we can not address any issue no matter what it is in isolation if you want lasting and sustainable change.

Contact me for a FREE 30 minute Discovery Chat right now and let me support you to get your health and your life back on track.

I’m here to introduce your to personalised health.  To support, motivate and inspire you on a step by step journey to health, happiness, balance and success in all area of your life. With the bonus of weight loss and to look and feel younger. 

I believe that your body can 100% heal itself if you listen and give it what it needs. Ageing is optional! And vitality comes when you know who you truly are and live true to yourself every single day.

Are you ready to make changes in your life to move beyond hot and crazy, to improve your health, relationships, business and overall energy and wellbeing?

I work predominantly online and have done so for several years, I am happy to work with you no matter where you are in the world.

With years of professional health courses and loads of personal experience of health issues, menopause and grief.  I ‘m here to support you to access your own inner “Fountain of Youth” within your body and mind and to tap into your own sustainable inner energy to let go of what holds you back.

I love to think and act outside the box, so sessions are geared to where you are at and your unique needs. We will not just sit and talk, but take joyful connected action.

Contact me for a complimentary no obligation 30 minute chat and discover some tips and strategies to transform your life right away.

About Me

After a lengthy battle with my own health issues, followed by the death of my husband it would have been easy to hide away from the world to grieve, live a staid and boring existence and to carry on fighting my hormones.

But instead I chose to grasp life with both hands and over the last few years have transform into a joyful sassy, healthy, adventurous goddess who no longer plays small.

As an author, speaker, healer and health coach, I support  people who are struggling with health issues, menopause, weight problems, bereavement, stress and anxiety.  I’ve worked online with clients from the early days of the internet. 

I will help you create a vibrant life of health, joy relaxation and fulfilment.

As a qualified nurse, holistic hypnotherapist, counsellor and coach, with a degree in psychology, along with years of personal development and life experience plus training as an Art of Feminine Presence Teacher. I have unique cocktail of vitality strategies and secrets that will give you the energy and clarity you need to crate the body, lifestyle, or business you’ve been dreaming of!

Live the Impossible Show

Where we dare to be different

Explore intuitive leadership, revolutionize how you think, remember who you truly are and be inspired with thought leaders from around the world.


“I found that each session was thought through for my particular situation and despite my negative thought processes, Pam always found a way of showing me how to look at things differently and ultimately in a more positive light. After just a few sessions, I was more relaxed, I am now back in full time employment and I am more positive than ever about my futures.”

“I find Pam quiet hypnotic in her approach, it was good to chat with her and gain her advice regarding personal matters. Her calming influence and professional approach is the reason I would highly recommend Pam.”

“Heart I.Q has helped me enormously to get life into perspective, by seeing things from a different side of myself, away from the physical mind and body, helping my creative flow again..”

 My Book

Beyond Hot and Crazy
A Radical Guide to Living Well with Menopause

There are thousands of women struggling on a daily basis with menopausal symptoms.  They feel embarrassed and mortified by hot flushes.  They find it hard to sleep.  It is difficult to concentrate at work and they snap at colleagues and loved ones for no real reason.  If they consult a doctor, their symptoms are blamed on menopause and they are offered Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and anti-depressants.  Very few doctors bother to look at the real causes of their patient’s symptoms.

Menopause is a natural process, so if you are experiencing symptoms, remember that it is your body’s way of telling you something is out of alignment.

With this, expert in health and well-being and author Pam Lob releases a holistic guide to living well with menopause and beyond, naturally. A must-read!

Available in papeback, audio and kindle

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Transforming your health and your life!
Contact Pam TODAY!

I look forward to hearing from you

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